The SEO Review

Personal Branding

Posted on: October 15, 2008

No not THAT personal branding! Lets all put the irons and needles away.  Personal branding is the idea that you should market yourself like an actual brand….


Personal Branding

Personal Branding

Personal branding has become a popular idea in internet marketing, or marketing in general.  It seems that people feel that they need to market themselves as they would a company.  Personal branding is an interesting idea… and a concept that I am not sure I aggree with.


To get some information on it. Click the image, it links to Nirav’s original article.  When your done there, head over to 1938 Media and see what he has to say on it.



I personally love the idea of making a name for yourself.  I don’t mind setting that situation up to fit your goals.  For example: I named this blog SEO DAN.  If I was REALLY against this kind of thing I would never have dreamed of that.  On the other hand I also named the blog THE SEO REVIEW.  Because No one cares about the DAN COUTURE blog.  If they wanted that, they would just follow my twitter.  If you want seo advice, then why not the SEO REVIEW.  Pick a brand, you have choice over that!


Personal Branding is a good concept.  But to me it just feels very egocentric.  Go online, make a portfolio, keep your twitters up.  If people like you and respect you than good for you.  If not…. don’t go around telling people how great you are to try and make up for it. If you have a contagious personality then that will translate in your brand anyway!


It’s what people say about you, not what you say about yourself.  If you are all about personal branding, maybe consider what the public is branding you first.


12 Responses to "Personal Branding"

People will judge you (online) solely on what’s available to them and the first piece of your brand they view. For instance, if their first impression of you is this blog, then they’ll know that you enjoy and will speak about SEO on here.

SEO Dan…nice personal brand…as long as your target audience knows what SEO stands for? Some good points here, but I do not think Feldman is an expert on the subject (i posted my thoughts on that here; I would much prefer to listen to guys like Gary Vaynerchuk or Tim Ferriss on the subject, as they have done more, and think more deeply about the subject. Remember too that online channels are only a channel for communicating your personal brand..they are NOT your personal brand…if you do not have a brand (and you do) then no social networking site or funky new 2.0 toy is going to help you!

I understand what you are saying. I actually have great respect for Gary, and I watch his video podcasts. Bringing up Gary is a perfect example however. He has a podcast for wine library tv. During that podcast, he says his name ONCE. He says the name of the show at LEAST 5 times every episode. His enthusiasm is very contagious and it comes off as the excitement of Wine Library TV. Maybe There can be both if they are balanced properly. Either way, like Gary says, every email and comment is vital to success, so THANX!

Okay, I have to say that before I watched the video I wasn’t too sure if I agreed with what you were saying. However, after the video I see how the idea of personal branding could be considered egocentric. I still believe that it is important to develop yourself as a “personal brand” because then you are able to really focus your energy and your activities more effectively towards a goal. I also believe there is a difference between legitimately branding yourself when creating an online presence and those irrelevant personal brands in the infomercials that we never remember minutes after seeing them. In the video it’s stated that Dr. Phil is a brand and I completely agree but is that to say that someone who is still in the beginning stages is not?

[…] Personal Branding by Dan Couture […]

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[…] Blog Homework 08. Positive side of “branding?” Lately, we often hear the term “branding” in some kind of  negative context. How it is just a name and most of the time absolutely irrelevant and abstract. And  i  have to agree most brands are “better” just because somewhere back in time we all agreed that they are. So i was thinking could there possibly be  any positive sides of  “branding?”… […]

I agree totally that we are unique in “Branding” ourselves. I would be called the “Idea Generator.” Whatever the idea, problem, vision would be, I can help devise a way to overcome it and create solutions. The only problem that I would have is; convincing the people that I present the ideas to, to follow through with it. Please cc my home e-mail address too. Schenectady, NY, Thanks.

Hey! You should check out my blog! I wrote it this morning and just discovered yours! Talks about the same thing but a different angle…

What do you stand for?


you have exposed the subject in a very interesting way there are some point that you can also take into consideration check them out

Although I truly like this post, I believe there was an punctuational error shut to the finish of the 3rd sentence.

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